Trauma therapy in Iraqi Kurdistan ″It is possible to build a peaceful society″ | Qantara

Since 2005, the Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights has been providing medical, psychotherapeutic and social support to survivors of torture, persecution and violence. Katja Dombrowski discussed matters with Salah Ahmad, the Foundation′s founder 

“What does your work with refugees look like in practice?

Ahmad: We offer therapies for different target groups, for instance minorities, women and girls and children and youth. In order to provide our services, we travel not only to refugee camps, but also to women′s shelters, prisons and orphanages. Our mobile teams travel to remote regions that don′t otherwise have access to psychological care. Our goal is to provide people with the support they need to once again live normal lives. In therapy sessions, for instance, we tell people that they won′t achieve anything through hatred or a desire for revenge. Victims feel these emotions very acutely. After all, many have experienced severe injustices.”

Read the full story: Trauma therapy in Iraqi Kurdistan: ″It is possible to build a peaceful society″ –