We are specialists in psychotherapy. What does this have to do with human rights?
Every person has a right to enjoy “the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health” (UN Social Covenant, Article 12).
Mental health is a human right!
Not every state is able to help its citizens achieve this maximum level of health. Especially in countries where past conflicts and terror have traumatized many people, there is a lack of care options for psychotherapy.
The Jiyan Foundation was established in 2005 to fill this gap and to provide care for psychologically distressed survivors and bereaved families of victims of human rights violations in Iraq and Syria.
A lot has happened since then!
We use the language of human rights to create structural changes in Iraqi society that at least make a relapse into conflict less likely.
As we know that justice plays a major role in dealing with trauma, we have taken up legal counselling for survivors. In combination with therapeutic and social service, this is gladly accepted by those seeking advice. All of this take place after a human rights violation has been experienced, i.e. reparatively.
In addition, we also want to address the causes of violence in order to be able to work comprehensively for the people of Iraq in the long term. We invest in peace, justice and human rights education and have thus expanded our work to include future-oriented and preventative tasks.
Domestic violence, a major problem in many parts of the world, can also be understood as a human rights violation, as “everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”*.
OUR PREVENTIVE APPROACH: Our education and sensitization events at schools and camps are aimed at the human right to security (and also education). Children learn about their basic human rights, because only those who are informed about their rights can recognize when they are being violated. We inform children how they can protect themselves and how to find help if they are confronted with violence or sexual assault.
In our family counselling, family therapy, and social services, we assist affected families to leave violence behind them.
* Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Article 3
This ethnically and religiously diverse country can look back on a violent history.
Growing up in an environment characterized by mistrust, regular and open exchange between young people from different cultures or with different religious beliefs is rare despite physical proximity. The risk of falling back into old conflicts due to this reservation and distance is increasing.
To counteract these tendencies, the right to education explicitly states that education must “promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups (…)”**.
OUR PREVENTIVE APPROACH: we are committed to peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups and religions through education and communication. We organize dialogue events in which we bring together interreligious and interethnic groups to promote tolerance, understanding and respect. Visits to religious sites offer participants the opportunity to learn about the traditions and beliefs of others.
** UN Social Covenant, Article 13
Ten years ago, the so-called IS committed, among other things, the human rights violation of slavery against Yazidi and other women and girls, because “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude (…)”***. All victims of serious human rights violations have the right to full rehabilitation, which should “include medical and psychological care as well as legal and social services”****.
In reality, it is often difficult for affected survivors to exercise this right, as there is a lack of access to information, counseling and assistance.
OUR REPARATIVE APPROACH: This is why we support IS survivors in claiming these rights. Together with other NGOs, we work as a link between the survivors and the government. In this way, we achieve greater weight in negotiations and create space for traumatized people to express their needs and assert their rights.
***Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 4
****UN General Assembly, Resolution 60/147, IX Article 21