Jiyan Foundation condemns Iran’s attacks on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Jiyan Foundation condemns Iran’s attacks on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Erbil (September 28, 2022) – The ballistic missile and drone attacks committed against people in the Kurdistan region of Iraq by Iran is a violation of Kurdistan-Iraq’s sovereignty and a crime against human rights principles. Civilians have been killed in the attacks, including innocent […]
A story from a Jiyan Foundation psychotherapist in Baghdad

A story from a Jiyan Foundation psychotherapist in Baghdad “It’s the first time I’ve seen her sitting with others.” Director of Dar A’nya Shelter Baghdad Today I accompanied another Jiyan Foundation psychotherapist and a psychiatrist to Dar A’nya shelter for the elderly and marginalized in Baghdad. When our mobile team introduced ourselves, the director of […]
Iraq must identify way to provide justice for victims of ISIS: C4JR | Kurdistan24

Iraq must identify way to provide justice for victims of ISIS: C4JR | Kurdistan24 The Coalition for Just Reparations (C4JR), an alliance of Iraqi non-governmental organizations (NGOs), in a position paper on Monday called on the Iraqi government incorporate genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes into national law and prosecute ISIS fighters for their […]
C4JR Position Paper on a survivor-centered ISIL Accountability Mechanism in Iraq

C4JR Position Paper on a survivor-centered ISIL Accountability Mechanism in Iraq Eight years ago, on August 15, 2014, militants of the so-called Islamic State in Syria and the Levant (ISIL) also known as Da’esh, either killed or enslaved more than 1,250 inhabitants of the Yezidi village of Kocho. Four hundred men were killed on that […]
Petition calls on Iraq to construct monument for Yezidi genocide victims | Kurdistan24

Petition calls on Iraq to construct monument for Yezidi genocide victims | Kurdistan24.net Sixty-five individuals and organizations on Monday called on the Iraqi Government to construct a monument of remembrance for the victims and survivors of the ISIS genocide against the Yezidis. “Memorials and monuments of the kind we are requesting preserve historical memory, educate […]
Webinar: Panel Discussion – The Yazidi Genocide and the Importance of Memorializing History

In this discussion our experts will discuss the atrocities have taken place across the region, outline the importance of memorializing the past and how it contributes to future generations ability to recognize and prevent atrocities.
Jiyan Foundation Opens Mental Health Treatment Center in Baghdad, Iraq

Jiyan Foundation Opens Mental Health Treatment Center in Baghdad, Iraq Erbil (July 11, 2022) – At a ceremony attended by representatives of the Iraqi government, nonprofit organizations and representatives of several embassies, Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Iraq and with financial support from Johanniter and the German Federal Ministry […]
Time to address the reproductive health of displaced Iraqi women | Amwaj.media

Time to address the reproductive health of displaced Iraqi women Addressing barriers and challenges affecting service provision, Ibrahim told Amwaj.media, “Although the Jiyan Foundation works closely with beneficiaries to provide displaced women and girls with reproductive health services, such as treatment for postpartum depression, anxiety, and possibly medication for pains or related conditions, there are […]
Follow-up to the concluding observations on Iraq of the Committee Against Torture and Human Rights Committee – “Dialogue on Reparative Justice: Ensuring Effective Reparations in Iraq”

Follow-up to the concluding observations on Iraq of the Committee Against Torture and Human Rights Committee – “Dialogue on Reparative Justice: Ensuring Effective Reparations in Iraq” Co-hosted by: Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights, Coalition for Just Reparations, International Organization for Migration, UN Assistance Mission for Iraq in cooperation with the General Directorate for Survivors Affairs […]
Jiyan Foundation US Joins Groups Calling for American Psychological Association to Apologize and Provide Support to Victims of War-on-Terror Prisoner Abuses

Jiyan Foundation US joins Groups Calling for American Psychologicalv Association to Apologize and Provide Support to Victims of War-on-Terror Prisoner Abuses On 25th Anniversary of UN International Day in Support of Torture Victims, Psychology and Human Rights Organizations Demand Action from APA WASHINGTON, D.C.—June 26, 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations International […]