Webinar: “Options for Survivor-centered Justice in Iraq”

Webinar: “Options for Survivor-centered Justice in Iraq” Discussing practical suggestions on how an ISIL Accountability Mechanism in Iraq can best serve the cause of justice and interests of survivors and their communities Co-hosted by: Coalition for Just Reparations, Jiyan Foundation, Yazda and International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect Date: Monday, December 19th, 10:00-12:00 (EST); […]

Jiyan Foundation Signs MoU with Univesity of Sulaimani

Jiyan Foundation Signs MoU with University of Sulaimani Sulaymaniyah (December 08, 2022) – Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights and University of Sulaimani (UoS) have announced a new strategic partnership to facilitate cooperation and long-term support. The agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding commits Jiyan Foundation to providing psychological support to the staff […]

Jiyan Foundation Releases a Toolkit on Transitional & Restorative Justice for Iraq

Jiyan Foundation Releases a Toolkit on Transitional & Restorative Justice for Iraq Erbil (November 04, 2022) – In collaboration with Iraqi civil society organizations and with financial support of the German Government, Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights and the Coalition for Just Reparations have published a manual aimed at enhancing knowledge in transitional & restorative […]

Listen: The force of self-awareness in Iraq with Asmaa Ibrahim and Jiyan Foundation

Listen: The force of self-awareness in Iraq with Asmaa Ibrahim and Jiyan Foundation Jiyan Foundation’s Co-head of Trauma Care & Health Asmaa Ibrahim joins Philippa White to answer questions ranging from how she began training in psychotherapy to the culture and stigma associated with mental health treatment. Why there is so much trauma in Iraq? […]

Windows of Opportunity for Meaningful Engagement of Iraqi Civil Society in Transitional & Restorative Justice Processes

Windows of Opportunity for Meaningful Engagement of Iraqi Civil Society in Transitional & Restorative Justice Processes A crucial element in building peace is the continued promotion of inclusive and participatory actions on the grassroots level and beyond. From October 2021 through August 2022 Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights implemented a project whose principal aim was […]

For Iraq’s displaced Yazidis, the genocide is ongoing | The New Arab

For Iraq’s displaced Yazidis, the genocide is ongoing | The New Arab “It’s quite unfortunate that the Yazidis, which are our neighbours…they will become very few in Iraq just like us,” said Wansa Shamoon, from the Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights in Duhok, which promotes the mental well-being, physical rehabilitation, and social reintegration of survivors […]

Training Local Leaders – The Academy for Intercultural Dialogue

Training Local Leaders – The Academy for Intercultural Dialogue Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights in partnership with Foundation Wings of Hope Germany, participated in the Academy for Intercultural Dialogue. Twenty-five young people between 18 and 26 years old from, Kurdistan-Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Germany participated in intercultural dialogue and reconciliation workshops in […]